..:: Review Keyboard magazine (USA), 1982 ::..
Keyboard magazine, April 1982 (on page 68):ED STARINK, CRISTALLIN. And yes, synthesizer orchestration is alive and well in Europe. Starink was kind enough to send us a copy of his album - we never would have heard of it otherwise. It's all keyboards except for some automatic drumming on a few cuts. A little listening makes it clear that he is familiar with classical voice-leading and orchestration; the tunes seem to be scored out, with entrances marked "oboe", "clarinet", and so on.
But Starink is also a master of unusual electronic tone colors, and the symphonic episodes are interspersed with more energetic rock-oriented moments. When they heard this album, everybody around the office started saying, "Gee, what's that? Sure sounds nice," and when that happens, you know you've got a winner on the turntable.
Article by Jim Aikin
© by Keyboard
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